All of the following information has been compiled and organized to help current and upcoming/interested members find everything they need to enjoy Idolise and all of its features. If you can't find exactly what you're looking for, please feel free to contact us and we'll reply as quickly as possible. If you prefer to get a hold of us through the forum, we also have a topic for general questions. Make sure you double check all the information pages and information threads on the forum, too!

introduction getting started
card types & masteries stampcards & photocards
leveling ups shop & power-ups
era masteries donation guidelines


The currency we use here are called coins and you use them to buy power ups, card packs, and choice cards from our Shop. Coins are typically earned through playing our games, but sometimes we may hand them out in updates as freebies or include them in events so keep an eye out for them! You are entirely responsible for tracking and logging your coins. It is not something we currently do for you, so it is incredibly important that members keep accurate count of their coins. Once you spend coins, you must also remove the used amount from the total count. When you receive coins, make sure that you add them!


We can all easily agree that member cards get boring after a while. Not only are our biases constantly altering their appearance (I specifically mean hair, but some idols could cool it on the plastic surgery), but our taste in idols is often changing. No one likes just one thing, which is why we give our members the opportunity to swap out the image that not only appears in their profile, but on the member list as well.

These images are not member cards and are not for trade. They are merely for looks. They have absolutely no worth should you decide to display them somewhere in your trade post. They are worth 0, just like event cards.

There is absolutely no difference between the look of display icons and your original member card. Consistency in this game is so important to me and I don’t want to soil how the member list looks.

As display icons are purchased, they will be added to your profile. This is a great way to keep track and view the ones that you have, so that you can decide which you would like to display in both your profile and on the main member list. The display icon you choose to show off can be edited through the profile form. Rather than typing out the full file link, simply writing out the filename (sans the extension) is all we require! (example: caitlin001)

Should you prefer to show off your member card, simply leaving the field blank will do so! The code handles all of the work for us!

Profile display icons can be purchased through their own topic on the forum.


Below is the full list of current boosters that you can buy from us! They come in the forms of different coloured iPods and all of them will last for a specific amount of updates or uses. Please respect the limits and understand that Idolise is attempting to create a challenging game that depends on trading, so the boosters are not cheap! We want our members have weeks where they don’t know the sweet taste of double game rewards!

Remember, each iPod has a specific amount of intended uses. Please note those limits and use them carefully!

The Pink iPod allows you to receive double the amount of rewards you usually get from the Weekly games. Simply take the second row of rewards from the prize page if you have this iPod! This iPod does not and will never apply to set 1, set 2 or our monthly games. This is certainly a luxury item, but this iPod is good for 2 uses, which can be any time. You do not need to use this over two consecutive weeks if you do not want to. This iPod does not expire until you have used it two times.
700 coins
The Blue iPod allows you to make +1 donation at absolutely any time. This power up can be used twice when it’s purchased, and both additional donations can be made at absolutely any time. Even in the same month. This power up does not allow members to donate additional era decks of the same idol. However, it does allow additional donations of an overall group, allowing the two decks per group rule to be broken.PLEASE NOTE: In order to avoid artist hoarding, we are only allowing additional decks from the same group to be donated once all other related donations have been approved and rewarded. (ex: If in the first week of the month you have already capped at 5 donations, with 2 of those decks being svt-dontwannacryscoups and svt-dontwannacryjeonghan, you are allowed to donate svt-dontwannacryjun and svt-dontwannacryseungkwan, but only after the first two decks have been turned in and rewarded)
400 coins
Our Yellow iPod allows you two extra pulls from any three updates of your choice. These do not have to be used on three consecutive updates. You can not use use this booster on past updates, obviously. If you buy this on Friday, you can use this power up on the following Sunday, and two more after that of your choosing.
2 x 3
400 coins
The Purple iPod gives you the opportunity gain double rewards for your next 10 stamp cards. If you purchase this on January 1st, you can not use any old trades by before that date for this powerup. You must made a new 20 trades, but will be able to hand in "2" stamp cards for your 1. This also means you're free to make yourself 2 photocards per a stampcard for this powerup. Additionally, members are free to take 2 choice cards when you reach your 10th stampcard.
700 coins

There’s honestly no limit to how many iPods you can have at once. If you purchase two pink iPods, instead of the rewards stacking it would last for four weeks rather than two.


Below is the full list of current card packs that you can buy from us as well as info about buying choice cards! There are currently no limits to how many card packs and/or choice cards you can buy at once, per week, per month, etc. As long as you have the coins you can buy as many as you want!

2 Choice Cards
These are from any currently released deck and can be used to master a deck. These must be taken at the same time and can not be taken separately.
300 coins
1 Boys Era Card Pack
This gives you #5 random cards featuring boys only from our released era decks.
200 coins
1 Girls Era Card Pack
This gives you #5 random cards featuring girls only from our released era decks.
200 coins
1 Mixed Era Card Pack
This gives you #5 random cards featuring boys & girls from our released era decks.
200 coins
1 Music Video Card Pack
This gives you #6 random music video cards from our released decks.
200 coins
1 Random Card Pack
This gives you #6 random cards from our both released era and music video decks.
200 coins